Let’s talk further about archiving broadcasts below!
Why do you need to archive broadcasts?
For auditing purposes
In some countries, it is a requirement to record all broadcasting files for audit purposes. This is so that the respective people in charge are able to detect any fraud or suspicious activity throughout the broadcasting service.
For re-using the same content
Certain broadcasting channels have the common perspective that most viewers do not want to see the same content over and over again. However, it’s fine for broadcasting networks to recycle the content and stream them again as some viewers do appreciate this type of content. In fact, that’s the main purpose of archiving files – to re-use them in the future.
For reaching a wider audience
Not all broadcasting channels are accessible from every country. By archiving the broadcasts, people from all over the world are able to watch them.
For preserving history
It’s also interesting to view old TV series back in the olden days as they are produced differently than the recent years.
How to store archive files?
Store them digitally
You can simply save the broadcast files online. Be sure to store them in universal format and in the best quality. The reason being archive files tend to degrade overtime. In order to preserve them, the quality at the start upon storing has to be top-notch.
Store them physically
If you plan on archiving your files physically, be sure to tape media instead of hard disks. This is because hard disks tend to seize-up when not currently being in use. Besides that, DVD disks would work just as well too.
The downsides of archiving files
One of the major downsides of achieving broadcasting files would be the requirements. For instance, archiving files takes a whole lot of storage. Can you imagine the amount of data collected over the course of 20 years? Besides that, not all media functions the same. Hence, even if you were to archive it, perhaps it can’t be retrieved in the later years due to incompatibility.
In addition, sometimes what gets archived is not both the audio and video. There are certain cases whereby only the audio gets archived.
Another downside would be the time taken to maintain the archive files. Some of the archive files will decay, hence if you were to ever use it in the future, it has to be well kept. The equipment used to replay the archive files needs to be properly taken care of too.
Archiving broadcasting files does have more benefits than cons, so it would be the best practice to start doing them if you haven’t already. Just be sure to use the right equipment to store the archive files. Otherwise, you may contact QES Malaysia to group together the appropriate equipment and tools to safely archive your broadcasting files with ease.